Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins, in The Dark Knight Batman successfully begins to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City until a mysterious criminal mastermind known only as the Joker (Heath Ledger) appears in Gotham, creating a new wave of chaos. Batman's struggle against the Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to "confront everything he believes" and improve his technology to stop him.
Bat-man Batman Dark Knight Adult Costume Utility Belt
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- SKU:
- RC8154
- UPC:
- 082686081542
- Classification:
- Costume Accessories
- Color:
- Black
- Contents:
- Authentic licensed Batman The Dark Knight belt as worn by Christian Bale (as featured)
- License:
- Batman
- Theme:
- Super Heroes | Villains
- Character:
- Batman
- Occasion:
- Halloween