Batman: The Brave and the Bold is an animated television series based on the DC Comics team-up series The Brave and the Bold. It features two or more super heroes coming together to solve a crime or foil a super villain, but like the original comic series (and unlike the current one), the cartoon focuses on Batman working with lesser-known characters such as Green Arrow, Wildcat, Plastic Man, and even the Joker. The series debuted on November 14, 2008 on Cartoon Network.
Batman Brave Bold Costume Accessory Grappling Hook Toy
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- SKU:
- RC8787
- Classification:
- Costume Accessories
- Color:
- Gray / Blue
- Contents:
- Authentic licensed Batman: The Brave And The Bold grappling hook accessory toy
- License:
- Batman
- Theme:
- Super Heroes | Villains
- Character:
- Batman
- Occasion:
- Halloween