Big Hero 6 is an action-packed comedy adventure that introduces Baymax, a lovable, personal companion robot, who forms a special bond with robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to Baymax and his diverse group of friends, who transform into a band of unlikely heroes. This costume includes a jumpsuit with padded chest piece, pair of knee pads, belts, and mask. This is great on its own, but could be even better with the other costumes and accessories available in our store!
Big Hero 6 Hiro Deluxe Boy's Costume
(You save
- SKU:
- DC87692
- Classification:
- Costumes
- Color:
- Blue
- Contents:
- Jumpsuit, knee pads, belts, and mask as featured
- Theme:
- Super Heroes | Villains
- Character:
- Hiro
- Occasion:
- Halloween
- Gender:
- Boys Costumes