Minnie Mouse is an animated cartoon of the Mickey Mouse franchise featured in animated cartoons, comic strips and comic book by The Walt Disney Company. In 1928, Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse to act as a replacement to his previous star Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and likewise Minnie Mouse was created to replace Oswald's many love interests. Minnie was designed in the fashion of a "flapper" girl to increase her audience appeal.
Deluxe Minnie Mouse Costume
(You save
- SKU:
- DC5094
- UPC:
- 032692150947
- Color:
- Red / Black
- Classification:
- Costumes
- Contents:
- Authentic licensed Minnie Mouse black off-the-shoulder velvety bodice attached to a red polka-dotted skirt with a sheer overlay, cameo brooch (not pictured, can be removed), and headband with ears and bow
- License:
- Mickey Mouse
- Theme:
- Classic Characters
- Character:
- Minnie Mouse
- Occasion:
- Halloween
- Costume Size:
- Womens Standard (12-14) approx 30-32 waist~ 41-43 hips~ 38-40 bust~ 135-145 lbs
- Gender:
- Womens Costumes