Terminator Salvation is a 2009 American science fiction film set in 2018, focusing on the war between humanity and Skynet - a departure from the previous installments, which were set on the present day and featured time travel. It was written by John Brancato and Michael Ferris and directed by McG. It is the fourth film in the Terminator series, and stars Christian Bale as future Resistance leader John Connor, Sam Worthington as cyborg Marcus Wright, and Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese.
Kids Terminator Salvation T600 Machine Costume
(You save
- SKU:
- RC883579
- Color:
- Gray
- Classification:
- Costumes
- Contents:
- Authentic licensed Terminator Salvation printed jacket and pants as featured
- License:
- Terminator
- Theme:
- Robots | Cyborgs
- Character:
- T600
- Occasion:
- Halloween
- Gender:
- Boys Costumes