Toy Story was the first feature-length completely computer-animated movie released by Disney, and was Pixar's first feature film. The primary characters are toys in the room of the six-year-old boy Andy, and is mostly told from their point of view. Andy, his baby sister Molly and mother have smaller roles, as do the neighbor boy Sid, his dog Scud and sister Hannah. Buzz Lightyear is one of Andy's newest toys and hero in the film.
Kid's Buzz Lightyear Gloves
(You save
- SKU:
- DC18043
- UPC:
- 086947180432
- Color:
- White / Green
- Classification:
- Costume Accessories
- Contents:
- authentic licensed Disney (Pixar) Buzz Lightyear childs costume gloves
- License:
- Toy Story
- Theme:
- Super Heroes | Villains
- Character:
- Buzz Lightyear
- Occasion:
- Halloween