The masterpiece known as The Shining, originally written by horror novel author Steven King and brought to life on film by Stanley Kubrick, is without a doubt one of the more unsettling horror films to date. Based on hundreds of images of the actual screen used costume, this is the ultimate replica of the shirt and jacket worn by Jack Torrance, as portrayed by Jack Nicholson. You'll swear this jacket came right off of Jack's frozen body! Includes jacket and shirt. Other accessories are not included. This costume is one size fits all. This is great on its own, but could be even better with the other costumes and accessories available from our store!
The Shining Jack Torrance Mens Costume
(You save
- SKU:
- UPC:
- 850946008796
- Classification:
- Costumes
- Color:
- Red
- Contents:
- Includes jacket and shirt only.
- Theme:
- Horror
- Character:
- Jack Torrance
- Occasion:
- Halloween
- Gender:
- Mens Costumes